Private Class Styles


Non-heated yoga

Oasis Flow/Vinyasa
Through creative vinyasa sequencing, conscious alignment, breath awareness, meditation and relaxation, we bring you Oasis Flow. With sequencing honored in every class as we move through the asanas (poses), there is an organic unfolding where each step prepares us for the next. Every session begins with OM, breath centered gentle warm-ups, sun salutations, and has elements of creative standing pose sequences, powerful arm balances and inversions, heart opening backbends, detoxing twists, deep forward folds and hip openers, along with meditation. Each session concludes in blissful relaxation.

Oasis Yin
Let your body and mind relax and renew in Oasis Yin Yoga classes. Accessible for any age, level, and physical ability. Yin Yoga helps to offset the active hectic lives many of us live in the DC area, so it's good for beginning yogis all the way to advanced practitioners. Yin Yoga focuses on the deeper connective tissues of the body through postures that are held for several minutes at a time, allowing your body and mind to relax into stillness and mindfulness. Leave class feeling space and release in your body's fascia, ligaments, and joints while also finding a sense of calm and peace of mind.



We all know that any real program designed to make a serious change must go straight to the core! Mat Pilates classes strengthen and tone all of the body’s core muscles through targeted exercises which challenge the student to focus on specific muscle groups. With practice, students will soon build tremendous core strength. Strong core muscles support the spine, reduce back pain, add an amazing new depth to yoga practice, and are an integral component of athletic performance as well as everyday balance.